I don't think anyone ever checks my blog anymore because it has been forever since I updated it!
So much has happened, I think I will just start going on from here forward! We just celebrated Abigail's birthday last sunday. Holy Hannah!!!! I am a mother to a teenager!!! :) That seems very strange to me. On thursday all four of the kids, each with a friend (from the same family--the Duffin's) went ice-skating to celebrate Abby's birthday. Afterward we came back to the house and they all had pizza and breaksticks. I think they all had a good time...since it was a school night we had to wrap things up around 9:30.
Can I just say that I LOVE valentines? I am excited to do a few fun things for the holiday. I have most of my decorations up.
I also got a new microwave this week. We have put up with one row of numbers not working, a broken handle (danny fixed), and a burnt spot on the mesh window (from Trevor reheating an arby sandwich :) ), and not heating properly for quite a while. When Danny cooked popcorn for 5 minutes and the bag was still not completely inflated we knew it was time!! Anyway...we were all so astouded when we cooked popcorn (yes we all quite like popcorn) and the bag was bursting full!! It was quite funny. Now that we have one that works right we can really see how bad the other one was.
I will try to add pictures later